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 Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI) - Policy Fellowship 2006/2007
19.06.2006   Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI) - Policy Fellowship 2006/2007
Deadline Extention: June 28, 2006
June 09, 2006

Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI) - Policy Fellowship 2006/2007

I. Purpose

LGI's fellowship program supports practical policy reform in the region, builds the capacities of talented individuals who are well placed to influence policy, creates networks of multinational experts, and supports the mission of LGI. Each year LGI selects talented professionals from Central, East and South-East Europe and the Newly Independent States to participate in the one-year program. Fellows work in small teams under the guidance of a well-respected mentor to produce policy-oriented studies on a given topic. The completed studies are impact oriented; each contains an advocacy or implementation strategy and concrete policy recommendations. LGI provides its fellows with training on how to write effective, concise, fact-based, practical policy reports. Other training modules LGI offers its fellows are public speaking, presentation skills and advocacy methods. At the conclusion of the program LGI works with its Fellows to determine what steps it can take to support the proposed recommendations in the completed studies. Fellows are generally policy researchers, policy advisors, civil servants and members of NGOs, advocacy groups or professional associations.
More here: http://lgi.osi.hu/documents.php?id=1206


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